Ana içeriğe atla


Imagine you woke up one day and suddenly your whole world was upsidedown. Everything you believed in suddenly doesn´t make any sense. You feel alone and helpless. That´s how I feel right now, in this tiny room locked up by some strange men.  You probably don´t know what I´m talking about so I guess I´ll have to start from the beginning.
It all started a couple weeks ago. I woke up late, like I did most Saturdays, but when I left my room I found the house empty. There was no sign of my parents or siblings. I checked everywhere, even the backyard. I tried calling, but I couldn´t reach them. I was starting to get worried. I ate breakfast and got dressed quickly. I was leaving my house to go to the police station, when a black van stopped in front of my house. Three men stepped out of the van wearing black suits and sunglasses and grabed me, forcing me into the van with men. I tried to fight them but they were too strong for me. They gaged me and blindfolded me.
I´m not sure how long we drove for, but it felt like ages to me. Finally, we arrived at our destination. They took of the blindfold so I could walk. I was standing in a sort of clearing in the middle of nowhere in front of a huge glass building. Without saying anything they pushed me inside and took me down some hallways to the room I find myself in right now.


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Spanish members

Hi everyone! Spanish team, all the way from Fuenlabrada, Madrid.

Second part: Lavian Spanish. Yasuo

Once upon a time, there was a young teenager called Yasuo, who lived in sewers. He was only 15 and he had no family, so he learned to survive in the streets. What happened to his parents, nobody knew. But he became very strong, because living in the streets was not easy and he still needed to eat, drink and sleep. So he became a very good thief. He mostly lived his life by stealing from markets and not getting caught, because he was very fast and knew the best escape paths. But one time he got caught... He was convicted of continued theft and entry into California jail, one of the most dangerous in the United States.   When he arrived he was assigned a cell with a partner who did not seem very aggressive.   He asked him why he was there and told him some of his problems and gave him advice so he would not get involved in a lot of trouble. His name was Fred and he was 40 years old. At dinner time a boy who looked quite young was being beaten by a lot of people and Yasuo decided

Second part. Latvian Spanish stories. Empty of humans

The streets were empty of any humans. Only the looming shadows dared to be outside at night. Moon was shining so horribly bright but the light didn’t seem to reach the ground. The deathly quiet night was disturbed by a door slamming. A figure darted out on the street. It ran as fast as it could. The figure had a visible limp to their step. Blood trailed behind them. There was a sudden bright light which startled the figure. The light illuminated the pale boy’s face. His greenish-yellow eyes were wide with terror and his mouth was agape revealing his abnormally sharp teeth. He was cradling his bleeding arm and if you looked closer, you could see the watercolor bruises peeking out from under his dirtied white gown. There was shouting and the alarms started blaring. That seemed to startle the boy as he quickly ran into an alleyway. He kept running until he spotted a dumpster. He scrambled to hide behind it. He held his breath and waited. And waited. When he could